Upcoming Event


2025 Information Coming Soon!


Saturday, March 23, 2024 
Rain or Shine


SFA Tactical Application Shoot


7:30 am Registration & Equipment Check
8:00 am Match Begins


Oak Grove Training Center
158 Rushing Road, Hoffman, NC 28347


$100/per athlete – includes lunch and event shirt.

This event is built on training we did as members of ODAs (“Operational Detachment Alpha” or “A-Team”). Now you can get a taste of how Green Berets train! Spectators are WELCOME!

When you click on the Register link, you will need to create a free account to register for the event. 

This one-day event will challenge both seasoned tactical athletes as well as people who are new to the sport. The event is intended to be a fun, challenging way to test your skills, fitness, and equipment. Athletes will run the course in body armor: men must be 15 pounds, and women must be 12 pounds.
You can compete in any of the divisions below. This is a fun and challenging competition, and a fundraiser for the SFA, so only one prize is awarded to the best competitor in each division (no prize for the “Novice” division):

Event Sponsored By:

Oak Grove Technologies Logo
Nous Defions Group Logo
JK Premier Marketing Logo

Join Our Chapter

The Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller Memorial Chapter of the Special Forces Association invites current and former Special Forces members to join our growing chapter. Click the button below to learn more about becoming a member.


Upcoming Event


2025 Information Coming Soon!


Saturday, March 23, 2024
Rain or Shine


SFA Tactical Application Shoot


7:30 am Registration & Equipment Check
8:00 am Match Begins


Oak Grove Training Center
158 Rushing Road,
Hoffman, NC 28347


$100/per athlete – includes lunch and event shirt.

This event is built on training we did as members of ODAs (“Operational Detachment Alpha” or “A-Team”). Now you can get a taste of how Green Berets train! Spectators are WELCOME!

When you click on the Register link, you will need to create a free account to register for the event. 

This one-day event will challenge both seasoned tactical athletes as well as people who are new to the sport. The event is intended to be a fun, challenging way to test your skills, fitness, and equipment. Athletes will run the course in body armor: men must be 15 pounds, and women must be 12 pounds.
You can compete in any of the divisions below. This is a fun and challenging competition, and a fundraiser for the SFA, so only one prize is awarded to the best competitor in each division (no prize for the “Novice” division):
Elite – heavier weights, longer distances, smaller targets.
Intermediate Men – standard weights, distances, targets.
Intermediate Women – distances, and targets are standard, slightly lighter than standard weights.
Masters 40+ – distances and targets are standard, slightly lighter than standard weights.
Novice – this division is for people just trying the course out. Athletes may bypass obstacles, have less-strenuous alternate fitness events, and take part with lighter or no equipment.

Event Sponsored By:

Oak Grove Technologies Logo
Nous Defions Group Logo
JK Premier Marketing Logo

Join Our Chapter

The Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller Memorial Chapter of the Special Forces Association invites current and former Special Forces members to join our growing chapter. Click the button below to learn more about becoming a member.